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Frankllin Park Blood Drive

Franklin Park will have a Blood Drive on Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 2:00pm to 6:00pm in the Franklin Park Gym. The Blood Drive is sponsored by the 7th Grade Science Class. For an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 or visit RedCrossBlood.org. You can save up to 15 minutes when you donate blood by using RapidPass! Visit RedCrossBlood.org/RapidPass for more information. Each student who recruits one presenting donor will receive a Red Cross Flashlight!

Salem Bobcat Spiritwear

Looking for some Spirit Wear? Check out our Spirit Wear Store. This store is open all year long! Customize your design and show off your Salem Bobcat Spirit.


Mass Phone Communications

Salem Elementary periodically sends mass phone calls to parents and guardians to relay information. To ensure that you receive these calls, please make sure you add the broadcast phone number as a contact on your phone. If you are not receiving calls and you should be, please contact the main offices at 618-548-7702 (Hawthorn) or 618-548-7704 (Franklin Park).

A text message can also be sent out to those who have opted in to the service. To opt in, send the word 'Start' to the text phone number listed below. It is also recommended to add the text phone number as a contact on your phone to ensure the message isn't getting blocked as potential SPAM.

Mass Communication Numbers
Broadcast Phone Number: 618-323-3421
Text Phone Number: 844-572-3553

Examinations and Immunizations Exclusion Policy

Please click the link below in order to see Board Policy 7:100 pertaining to Health , Eye and Dental Examinations: Immunizations and Exclusion of Students. Starting School Year 2024/2025, required health examinations and immunizations will be due the first student attendance day of the school year. For the 2024/2025 School Year, that will be August 15th, 2024. The link below provides all the information you need regarding what is required and when it is due. The District wanted to inform all parents now in order for everyone to know this in advance so that all can make arrangements with Doctor appointments as needed.

Health, Eye and Dental Examinations: Immunizations and Exclusion of Students

Thank you!
Dr. Leslie Foppe, Superintendent

District E-Learning Plan

To review the District E-Learning plan follow this link: E-Learning Policy


Bobcat Athletic information can be found at https://franklin.salem111.com/athletics.html.


See Something, Say Something IEMA Reminds Parents, Students, Schools about the Availability of Safe2Help Illinois 24/7 program encourages students to confidentially share school safety concerns. The Illinois Emergency Management Agency, and local emergency managers throughout the state, are reminding students, parents and community members about a new program and free resources available to help improve school safety in Illinois. Safe2Help Illinois is a free information sharing platform that is available 24/7. In the absence of a trusted adult, students can use a free app, text/phone, or the website (Safe2HelpIL.com) to share school safety issues in a confidential environment. Information obtained by Safe2Help Illinois will remain confidential to ensure student privacy and to protect the integrity of the program. This program is not intended to suspend, expel or punish students; rather, the goal is to encourage students to “Seek Help Before Harm.” Safe2Help Illinois is a free, voluntary program offered to public and private schools grades K-12.


Employment Opportunities

Salem School District 111 is currently accepting applications for para-professional positions for the 2021-2022 school year. Anyone who has an associate's degree or has 60 or more college credit hours can obtain a paraprofessional certificate from the Regional Office of Education. Anyone interested in the positions should contact the school at 618-548-7702.

Employment applications can be downloaded here.

District Report Card

The Illinois report card is released each year to show how the district and schools are performing on a wide range of educational goals. The report card has two main components: the At-a-Glance report card that provides important information about each school or district in a one-page, printable format; and the Online Report Card that delivers in-depth information with explanations of each indicator online.

Freedom of Information Act

The FOIA officer for Salem Elementary School District No 111
Dr. Leslie Foppe, Superintendent
1300 Bobcat Circle
Salem, IL 62881
618-548-7702 ext 103

More Information Regarding FOIA